Monday, February 12, 2018


Hey kids,
Daddy here. This year, for Thanksgiving we decided to try something a little different....ROAD TRIP!! We headed down to Sara and Dean's house for the big holiday.
Yup, that's a big ol turkey and a ham, just to be safe. As per standard, Al requested a drumstick.
We all had too much to eat, but Al didn't get to stay, because the football team keeps winning so he has to be at practice tomorrow morning. Papa agreed to meet me in Gridley to pick Al up and take him home and to practice in the morning. So, after I dropped Al off with Papa, I headed back for some late night fun, namely cornhole. The Foof kept score.

After the many cornhole games, DeanO took Jake and I for a Jeep ride, and came across his old nemesis.

We had a great time and even ended up staying over the next night too, so Al had his first night with the house all to himself! Gabe came over and Im sure they stayed up waaay too late playing video games. Saturday morning we had one quick last game of cornhole.

Then we had to say goodbye and head home. It was a great weekend with good food and great company. We may have a new tradition. I love you guys,


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