Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Hey kids,
Daddy here. One of my favorite things we get to do every year it to watch the Madrigal put on by Shasta High School. Alex has doe it for three years now and gotten better each year. This year he went out for, and got, the part of a knight.

Grammie and Papa and some other friends joined us for the Madrigal, and Schoffner and I were listening to the football game on the radio on the down low. The dinner was awesome, as always and the performance is equally impressive. I'm so proud of you Al, for your commitment to this endeavor.
We got the update that the Wolves won their game against Marin Catholic and the whole place cheered. Except the lady at our table, who was from Marin County and whose husband went to the game. D'oh! The wolves now have to get selected to play in the state championship, so we'll see what the committee says. Madrigal next year will feature two Mansfield boys! I cant wait. I love you guys,


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