Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend was pretty much a hang out and have fun weekend. Friday I left work early and when I got home we decided to play some street football. As Izzy had just scraped up or elbow and knee, again comma She Was Out. So Mom and I teamed up against Jake and Alex. We were doing okay for a while, but the boys started to pull ahead. Is he decided to get involved in the game as she was starting to feel better and we all had fun. Well, mom is and I had fun and Jake and Alex arguing about which one of them was Garbo. Later in the evening Jack came over to spend the night. So Jake and Jack got to stay up playing Destiny and had a great time.
On Saturday Sarah and Dean came up for a visit and we had a great day relaxing with our friends. We played a corn-hole tournament to the best of 7 and it went all 7 games with Sarah and I coming out on top period after corn-hole it was time for some delicious barbecued burgers while Dean and I played for more games of corn-hole and left it knotted up at 2 apiece. After dinner we went in to watch the fight and it was pretty uneventful with the two heavyweights pretty much just dancing around the ring period after the fight we all went to bed.
Sunday Morning, by the time we got up Sarah and Dean had already left period we got all of our stuff ready and went to church period I was going to read for Mr. Shoffner and it was our old pal Ed's first mass since his ordination. We went to the reception after church and congratulated him and got a great blessing and Mr Midas took 200 photos.

 After church, mom and I went to the annual Taste of Redding for my broadcast. It was a great time just hanging out with Mom.

After the remote we headed home and found out that Jake was going to spend the night at Jack's house period we had leftovers for dinner and a nice relaxing, Sunday evening. After a great weekend with my favorite people I don't mind so much going back to work tomorrow. I love you guys,


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