Monday, June 5, 2017

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Well, now it's definitely official. SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMAHHHH!!! We rang in the summer with an awesome weekend. Mom sometimes has a hard time relaxing, but I think she's gettin into the spirit of summer.

Saturday, Mom and I ran some errands and you guys stayed home and got the house tidied up so that we could go to the Reagan's for dinner. We played some corn hole, Cory bbq'd some awesome meat and we had a great time.

 Or rather Mom, Jake, Izzy and I had a great time. Alex was being a  butt for much of the evening because and I quote, God! There's nothing to do! It's like totally pointless for me to go!" Turns out, we all had a good time, with the exception of my phone which Jake dropped while playing basketball and cracked the screen to pieces. When we got ready to leave, I went to get Al and found this...

Sunday, Al and I were the readers for Pentecost. Our readings were a bit tricky, but we made it thru. After coming home to swim and play some more corn hole, we headed to the Warrens for a party for Father George. We watched the Warriors beat the crap out of the Cavs and headed home for some popcorn and Pirates. We fired up Curse of the Black Pearl and all but Al fell asleep in about 30 mins. Al put us all to bed and settled in for some video games. Tomorrow Al has weight room training for football and the whole nonsense starts all over again. I cant wait for our next adventure. I love you guys,


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