Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Memorial Day

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This was a three day weekend, not just for you guys but for me too, sorta. I had a remote on Saturday for a couple of hours but after that we packed up our stuff and headed out to the house boat! It was our first house boat trip of the year and we were all super excited.

The lake was as high as I've ever seen it, which is awesome, except for the fact that there was more driftwood than you could possibly conceive of. Alex was a little bummed out because there was no one there for him to talk to, but when we got there I had barely set foot on the houseboat deck when he came up to me and said, "Dad there's twins next door!!" with as much excitement in his voice as a fifteen-year-old boy could muster. He was a little bummed though because his three favorite things to do on the houseboat are:
1. Play bolo (Couldn't do due to the lake being to high there was no land)
2. Hang by the bonfire (See above)
3. Swim behind the houseboat (Too much driftwood)
After we fired up the engines on the boat and push some of the driftwood out, we could swim that part worked out okay.

We had lots of great food and just an all-around relaxing Memorial Day weekend. My favorite Memorial Day quote this year has got to be, "Good people can sleep peacefully at night because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." I'm so thankful for all of our veterans that gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we could have a relaxing weekend on the houseboat. I love you guys,


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