Monday, May 15, 2017

The King and I

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This year the school play was, "The King and I". When they first announced it, I have to say, I was not totally excited about it. I'm not really familiar with the content and I was a little bummed. When the date of the event got closer, Jake told me he was going out for the part of the King of Siam and Kristin was all, "We get to shave his head again!!" Before any of that he'd have to get the part. Well, as we all know, he got the part! We talked back and forth about weather or not he'd shave his head and he decided against it.

Now, the week of the play, Mom went every night to watch and to help out. I only went on Friday, because I wanted to see the whole thing on the best night. I've been to these plays for many years and Friday is always the best night.

I can tell you now, having no idea what was to come that this was the best play I've ever seen. I'm sure I sounds biased because Jake was the lead, but still. I was blown away. His presence on stage was a force to be reckoned with.

His command of the stage and his ability to seem Kingly was unparalleled in any play I've seen. The "Shall we Dance" scene was incredible! I told you practicing would make it OK dude! Papa was laughing and when the play was over he was telling everyone how proud he was of you, Jake. We all were so proud of you, no more than Mom and I. Although, I have to say, in the thanks section of the program: Jake Mansfield wants to thank, "His Mom, Mrs Moty, Mrs Summers, Mrs Batten and Mr Batten".......and that's it! Really?! Alex pulled the same nonsense! Apparently I need to help more during the play, sheesh! Anyway, the play was great and Jake was absolutely dynamo. I can't wait to see what's coming next year. I love you guys,


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