Thursday, May 18, 2017

Mother's Day

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This weekend was very busy. It started on Saturday morning when we got up before the sun so we could take pictures in the field out back. Mr Vu came over and we took a bunch of pictures.

After we were done with pictures, Papa came over and we cut down some trees, mowed the back, pruned some bushes and started power washing the patio. All in all, it was about 12 hours of work, but dang the back looks good!!
Sunday was Mother's day and the Moms celebrated down in Chico at Jula's house. We played some cornhole and had a very nice day with some tamales we bought from Rudy's mom. We made it home and crashed. Another successful weekend. Although I think we're gonna have to spoil Mom this weekend since she didn't get a good chance to relax. I love you guys,


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