Tuesday, February 27, 2018


Hey Kids,
Daddy here. Well, Al's football team just kept on winning and after being selected by the football committee who decides such thing, THEY ARE GOIN TO STATE!! Mr Spencer told Alex that they'd cover for him and that he should go to state with the team, so the race is on for me trying to figure out how to get there.  Mom wanted to go with me to the state game but it was all the way down in Thousand Oaks, like a nine hour drive, so she had to stay home with Jake and the Foof. I was able to beg a spot in the car and hotel room with Danny and Gary since they were covering the game for the Shasta Sports Network. Cagle even let me take a day off to document the trip.
On Thursday evening, we all gathered round to load the boys on the bus and say farewell.

The boys actually got a police escort to I5. It was super cool. The rest of us headed home and I had to pack for the next few days trip.
The next morning Daddy picked me up and we headed out.

We picked up G and hit the road. Let me tell you, with three old dudes, we had to make a few pit stops.

Gary wanted to stop for nick knacks like everywhere.

After driving for what seemed like two days, we arrived!

We got all checked in and went to the hotel restaurant, which happened to be an Irish pub, be still my beating heart.

We had dinner and I got the Sheppard's Pie. I went up and said goodnight to Al and after a quick nightcap with the boys, we all turned in.
The next morning, the boys and I hit a local bar for some breakfast.

Then it was on to the football field to get our gear set up and get ready for the boradcast.

The stadium was pretty impressive.

Finally, game time was upon us and we went to work.

I can't tell you guys how much fun it was to broadcast this game. I so thankful for Gary and Danny to include me on this trip.

Annoying speaker. Not pointing at G's butt.

Sadly, the wolves got killed.

They still played like champions though, and I'm very blessed to have been a part of this ride. I posted a nice video about it, but Mom and Alex mad fun of me so I won't post it here for all time to be laughed at.
Gary, Danny and I got in the car and began our nine hour journey home.

Stopping for a few nick knacks along the way, lol.

Then back in the car.

When the sun came up, we were almost home.

We finally made it home around 7:15 am and I passed the heck out. Mom went to get Al from school about an hour later and we slept it off. We got up and went to Grammie and Papa's for dinner. What a great trip. I hope Al had as much fun as I did. Now we just hafta do it again next year! I love you guys,



Hey kids,
Daddy here. One of my favorite things we get to do every year it to watch the Madrigal put on by Shasta High School. Alex has doe it for three years now and gotten better each year. This year he went out for, and got, the part of a knight.

Grammie and Papa and some other friends joined us for the Madrigal, and Schoffner and I were listening to the football game on the radio on the down low. The dinner was awesome, as always and the performance is equally impressive. I'm so proud of you Al, for your commitment to this endeavor.
We got the update that the Wolves won their game against Marin Catholic and the whole place cheered. Except the lady at our table, who was from Marin County and whose husband went to the game. D'oh! The wolves now have to get selected to play in the state championship, so we'll see what the committee says. Madrigal next year will feature two Mansfield boys! I cant wait. I love you guys,



Hey Kids,
Daddy here. Well the Football team has continued to win and I've become more and more involved with the coverage of the team with interviews and such. I even went to the school and took some pics for the website to promote the boys.

It's been super exciting to follow along with as both a fan and as a Dad. They ended up winning the Section Championship, which they had not won in like 30 years! I wonder what's gonna happen next as Al's Madrigal commitment is gettin pretty tight with the schedule. Anyway, next up is Marin Catholic and they have three starters going to Division 1 schools. It's gonna be a rough game and Al will miss it. Bummer! I'll let you know how Madrigal goes and how the team does in the next week or so. I love you guys,


Monday, February 12, 2018


Hey kids,
Daddy here. This year, for Thanksgiving we decided to try something a little different....ROAD TRIP!! We headed down to Sara and Dean's house for the big holiday.
Yup, that's a big ol turkey and a ham, just to be safe. As per standard, Al requested a drumstick.
We all had too much to eat, but Al didn't get to stay, because the football team keeps winning so he has to be at practice tomorrow morning. Papa agreed to meet me in Gridley to pick Al up and take him home and to practice in the morning. So, after I dropped Al off with Papa, I headed back for some late night fun, namely cornhole. The Foof kept score.

After the many cornhole games, DeanO took Jake and I for a Jeep ride, and came across his old nemesis.

We had a great time and even ended up staying over the next night too, so Al had his first night with the house all to himself! Gabe came over and Im sure they stayed up waaay too late playing video games. Saturday morning we had one quick last game of cornhole.

Then we had to say goodbye and head home. It was a great weekend with good food and great company. We may have a new tradition. I love you guys,
