Hi kids,
Daddy here. Father's day was winding down and we were just gonna watch a movie and chill, until the accident occurred. Jake was taking the trash out and did not see Izzy behind him, nor did he see her finger in the hinge part of the door when he slammed it shut. Mom and I heard her screaming and Al went over to take a look at her. "HOLY CRAP!!" was his response. Mom and I rushed over to take a look and then we saw that her pinky finger was almost completely severed just past her fingernail. Trying desperately not to freak out, we all got our shoes on and hauled ass to the hospital. Jake was freaking out because he blamed himself for the accident. Jake, I wish I could have taken more time with you to explain that it was not our fault. It was an accident, pure & simple. We got to the hospital and didn't have to wait very long, thank God. They got us in pretty quick and after quite a few Dr's and nurses took a look at it, they decided they'd do their best to stitch it up. So we sat there with her and tried to keep her calm while they sewed her little finger back together. They finally got her all stitched up and gave her one more shot of medicine and told us to hope that it 'took'. If not, they'd have to amputate. I can tell you now, that's not a word you ever want to hear someone say about your child. It's been a couple of days now and it looks like she's gonna get to keep it. A terrifying experience, but we made it through because of the strength of this family. I love you guys,
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Father's Day
Hi kids,
Daddy here. One of my favorite days of the year is Father's Day. I love being a father so much and I love celebrating with you guys. After an awesome breakfast, you guys gave me my gift. A Man Crate! It was baseball themed and full of all kinds of snacks and a Giants T-Shirt and some hiking sandals. Totally awesome, I'm still in awe of how Mom can make every gift the exact right thing and totally different for us all. After Mass, we headed out for another hike to get some exercise and try to get our 10k steps in.

The hike this time did not end at the water, but that's ok we loved it anyway.
When we got to the end of the trail and got our snacks out, Al dropped a nectarine and it rolled about 200 ft down the hill before he got it.
We finished our snacks and headed back down the trail to this awesome little swimming hole we had seen on the way up. At first the water was weenie-shrinking cold, but like most creek water, we all got used to it and had a nice swim.
Another great day with the family. I'm so happy and proud to be your father. I love you guys,
Daddy here. One of my favorite days of the year is Father's Day. I love being a father so much and I love celebrating with you guys. After an awesome breakfast, you guys gave me my gift. A Man Crate! It was baseball themed and full of all kinds of snacks and a Giants T-Shirt and some hiking sandals. Totally awesome, I'm still in awe of how Mom can make every gift the exact right thing and totally different for us all. After Mass, we headed out for another hike to get some exercise and try to get our 10k steps in.

The hike this time did not end at the water, but that's ok we loved it anyway.
When we got to the end of the trail and got our snacks out, Al dropped a nectarine and it rolled about 200 ft down the hill before he got it.
We finished our snacks and headed back down the trail to this awesome little swimming hole we had seen on the way up. At first the water was weenie-shrinking cold, but like most creek water, we all got used to it and had a nice swim.
Another great day with the family. I'm so happy and proud to be your father. I love you guys,
Weekend Wrap
Hi kids,
Daddy here. Back at it on a Monday, but that's ok because we had another fun weekend. Saturday, Alex went with the boy scouts for another big hike so the rest of us just did some yard work and such.

Sunday, after Mass, we decided to take a hike around Whiskeytown Lake. It was warm, but not too hot so that was good. The 6 mile hike ended at a perfect swimming spot so we all jumped in a cooled off.
On the way back to Moya, I got my 10k steps for the first time! We were all tired at the end of the day, but it was well worth it.
I am so happy we live in an area where we can go for hikes like that and go swimming in the lake. I also love hanging out with you guys & Mom more than anything else in the world. I love you,
Daddy here. Back at it on a Monday, but that's ok because we had another fun weekend. Saturday, Alex went with the boy scouts for another big hike so the rest of us just did some yard work and such.

Izzy worked very hard at being pretty.
Sunday, after Mass, we decided to take a hike around Whiskeytown Lake. It was warm, but not too hot so that was good. The 6 mile hike ended at a perfect swimming spot so we all jumped in a cooled off.
On the way back to Moya, I got my 10k steps for the first time! We were all tired at the end of the day, but it was well worth it.

Thursday, June 12, 2014
Hey kids,
Daddy here. Mama and I got the distinct pleasure of celebrating 15 years of marriage this year. To treat ourselves, we decided to go on a cruise.

You guys stayed with Grammie & Papa while we were gone and had a blast. The Saturday before we left we went to 5:30 Mass and saw a lady that brought hers dogs, INTO MASS!! The next day we left the house at 4 a.m. and drove 9 hours to the Port in Long Beach. There was a pee story which I will not tell here, haha.
Our ship was awesome. It had a ton of cool stuff including a miniature golf course and a water slide.

Mama and me wanted to spend some time relaxing by the pool. The first day we were there, we went out to the pool and this guy asks Mama if she wanted a drink. So she orders a blue, fruity girly drink and I asked for a beer. The guy says to me, "Do you want a bucket?" I have never been so sure of an answer to a question in my life than I was to that one.

Everywhere we went at all times of day there was always something to eat. So after a bucket of beer, we got something to eat. Every night when we got home our towels were folded into the shape of something new and different.
These guys are good. Our room was pitch dark, so we fell asleep fast.
The next day, we got up and went ashore via a ferry to the island of Catalina. The town of Avalon is where we stopped.

We walked around for a bit and decided to use Google to see if we could find a Catholic Church. We found St Catherine's and took a few photos.
We continued to walk around for a few more hours and Mom got a cool sweatshirt and I got a cigar. We found a small tap room and got some beers. They even had a Josh wine, lol.

After a short little adventure it was back to the boat to chill by the pool with a bucket of beer, till it was time to get something to eat.
That night, it was fancy night on the cruise ship so Mom and I got dressed up and went to dinner.
The next day, we were in Mexico in the town of Ensenada. It's the first time mom and I have been out of the country in a long time. The area we got dropped off in looked kind of sketchy, and a guy serenaded Mom while we had a tall can.
We walked along the street for a while and Mom thought we were going to get mugged, we did not. We eventually found the street with all the shops on it.

We bought an awesome little purse that said Mexico on it for Izzy. We found a fat little Day of the Dead Guy for Alex. And then, we found Guillermo's shop. We looked around for a bit and finally decided on what we wanted which came out to about $38. Guillermo ran my credit card and the amount said $500! He told me it was in pesos because the symbol only had one line through the S, but if you look at the symbol that it just showed on the screen, that only has one line through it. As you can imagine, I was suspect.
He assured me that it was only $38 and the 500 was actually in pesos. I decided to trust him as it turned out he was right. Thank goodness. We continued walking the streets of Ensenada, until we met an older gentleman having a beer on a bench outside a 7-11. I went in and bought a tall can for 28 pesos.

Mom thought the guy was an undercover Federali and was going to arrest me when I started drinking. Spoiler alert: He did not. So after tall cans and shopping we decided that was enough excitement from Ensenada. Back to the boat and time to get something to eat and another bucket of beer.

Our next day was just a day at sea so all we had to do is eat and hang out by the pool. This was mom and my favorite day on the cruise ship as we just got to enjoy each other. I have to tell you guys, after 15 years of marriage, I sure do love just hanging out with Mom. She's my favorite person on the whole planet.

Our final day of the cruise ship was only about a half a day because we docked at the Port of Long Beach fairly early in the morning. We got all of our stuff together and had just enough time to get one last something to eat before we had to get off the ship and make our way home. The 9 hour drive home from Long Beach seemed even longer since our vacation was over. However, Mom and I are very blessed to have you guys had the great life that we do.
So even if we only get to take a cruise was every 15 years, we still consider ourselves lucky. I love you guys,
Daddy here. Mama and I got the distinct pleasure of celebrating 15 years of marriage this year. To treat ourselves, we decided to go on a cruise.

You guys stayed with Grammie & Papa while we were gone and had a blast. The Saturday before we left we went to 5:30 Mass and saw a lady that brought hers dogs, INTO MASS!! The next day we left the house at 4 a.m. and drove 9 hours to the Port in Long Beach. There was a pee story which I will not tell here, haha.
Our ship was awesome. It had a ton of cool stuff including a miniature golf course and a water slide.

Mama and me wanted to spend some time relaxing by the pool. The first day we were there, we went out to the pool and this guy asks Mama if she wanted a drink. So she orders a blue, fruity girly drink and I asked for a beer. The guy says to me, "Do you want a bucket?" I have never been so sure of an answer to a question in my life than I was to that one.

Everywhere we went at all times of day there was always something to eat. So after a bucket of beer, we got something to eat. Every night when we got home our towels were folded into the shape of something new and different.
These guys are good. Our room was pitch dark, so we fell asleep fast.
The next day, we got up and went ashore via a ferry to the island of Catalina. The town of Avalon is where we stopped.

We continued to walk around for a few more hours and Mom got a cool sweatshirt and I got a cigar. We found a small tap room and got some beers. They even had a Josh wine, lol.

After a short little adventure it was back to the boat to chill by the pool with a bucket of beer, till it was time to get something to eat.
That night, it was fancy night on the cruise ship so Mom and I got dressed up and went to dinner.
The next day, we were in Mexico in the town of Ensenada. It's the first time mom and I have been out of the country in a long time. The area we got dropped off in looked kind of sketchy, and a guy serenaded Mom while we had a tall can.
We walked along the street for a while and Mom thought we were going to get mugged, we did not. We eventually found the street with all the shops on it.

We bought an awesome little purse that said Mexico on it for Izzy. We found a fat little Day of the Dead Guy for Alex. And then, we found Guillermo's shop. We looked around for a bit and finally decided on what we wanted which came out to about $38. Guillermo ran my credit card and the amount said $500! He told me it was in pesos because the symbol only had one line through the S, but if you look at the symbol that it just showed on the screen, that only has one line through it. As you can imagine, I was suspect.
He assured me that it was only $38 and the 500 was actually in pesos. I decided to trust him as it turned out he was right. Thank goodness. We continued walking the streets of Ensenada, until we met an older gentleman having a beer on a bench outside a 7-11. I went in and bought a tall can for 28 pesos.

Mom thought the guy was an undercover Federali and was going to arrest me when I started drinking. Spoiler alert: He did not. So after tall cans and shopping we decided that was enough excitement from Ensenada. Back to the boat and time to get something to eat and another bucket of beer.

Our next day was just a day at sea so all we had to do is eat and hang out by the pool. This was mom and my favorite day on the cruise ship as we just got to enjoy each other. I have to tell you guys, after 15 years of marriage, I sure do love just hanging out with Mom. She's my favorite person on the whole planet.

So even if we only get to take a cruise was every 15 years, we still consider ourselves lucky. I love you guys,
Peter Pan
Hi kids,
Daddy here. I can't believe it's time once again for the St Joseph School annual play. This year's play was Peter Pan. You all wanted to be involved in the play and you all got parts. Izzy, and her best friend Mackenzie got to be junior fairies.
Jake, was one of the Indians. The only boy Indian I might add. Alex really wanted the part of Peter Pan, but that went to Jessica. Instead, Alex got the best part in the entire play. That of the incomparable Captain Hook. Thomas Warren got the part of Mr Smee. Once again, mom and I were so proud of all of you. You should have seen the look on Papa's face when Izzy and Mackenzie walked across the stage. Hey, and everyone else was laughing and smiling. Jake did a great job as the only boy Indian. And I personally believe that Alex stole the show as Captain Hook. Another great play, another great performance by all three of you guys.I love you guys,
Daddy here. I can't believe it's time once again for the St Joseph School annual play. This year's play was Peter Pan. You all wanted to be involved in the play and you all got parts. Izzy, and her best friend Mackenzie got to be junior fairies.

Upgrade time
Hey kids,
Daddy here. Well, we've waited for weeks and months and, after 20 years of ownership I've decided to sell my drumset. I got those drums as a gift from GG when I graduated high school back in 1992. I played them in every place that I've lived, and they have brought me countless hours of enjoyment. However, it was time to let them go to someone who could enjoy them as much as I have.
With mamas blessing, investing the money from the drum set into an Xbox one!
We've actually had the system for a few weeks now and it is as awesome as we expected. The voice control, Kinect Sports, Rayman, totally worth it. I don't think we'll get 20 years out of the Xbox one, but so far so good.
I love you guys,
Daddy here. Well, we've waited for weeks and months and, after 20 years of ownership I've decided to sell my drumset. I got those drums as a gift from GG when I graduated high school back in 1992. I played them in every place that I've lived, and they have brought me countless hours of enjoyment. However, it was time to let them go to someone who could enjoy them as much as I have.
With mamas blessing, investing the money from the drum set into an Xbox one!
We've actually had the system for a few weeks now and it is as awesome as we expected. The voice control, Kinect Sports, Rayman, totally worth it. I don't think we'll get 20 years out of the Xbox one, but so far so good.
I love you guys,
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