Thursday, June 12, 2014

Upgrade time

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Well, we've waited for weeks and months and, after 20 years of ownership I've decided to sell my drumset. I got those drums as a gift from GG when I graduated high school back in 1992. I played them in every place that I've lived, and they have brought me countless hours of enjoyment. However, it was time to let them go to someone who could enjoy them as much as I have.

With mamas blessing, investing the money from the drum set into an Xbox one!

We've actually had the system for a few weeks now and it is as awesome as we expected. The voice control, Kinect Sports, Rayman, totally worth it. I don't think we'll get 20 years out of the Xbox one, but so far so good.

I love you guys,


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