Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Hi kids,
Daddy here. Father's day was winding down and we were just gonna watch a movie and chill, until the accident occurred.  Jake was taking the trash out and did not see Izzy behind him, nor did he see her finger in the hinge part of the door when he slammed it shut. Mom and I heard her screaming and Al went over to take a look at her. "HOLY CRAP!!" was his response. Mom and I rushed over to take a look and then we saw that her pinky finger was almost completely severed just past her fingernail. Trying desperately not to freak out, we all got our shoes on and hauled ass to the hospital. Jake was freaking out because he blamed himself for the accident. Jake, I wish I could have taken more time with you to explain that it was not our fault. It was an accident, pure & simple. We got to the hospital and didn't have to wait very long, thank God. They got us in pretty quick and after quite a few Dr's and nurses took a look at it, they decided they'd do their best to stitch it up. So we sat there with her and tried to keep her calm while they sewed her little finger back together. They finally got her all stitched up and gave her one more shot of medicine and told us to hope that it 'took'. If not, they'd have to amputate. I can tell you now, that's not a word you ever want to hear someone say about your child. It's been a couple of days now and it looks like she's gonna get to keep it. A terrifying experience, but we made it through because of the strength of this family. I love you guys,


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