Hi kids,
Daddy here. I can't believe it's time once again for the St Joseph School annual play. This year's play was Peter Pan. You all wanted to be involved in the play and you all got parts. Izzy, and her best friend Mackenzie got to be junior fairies.

Jake, was one of the Indians. The only boy Indian I might add. Alex really wanted the part of Peter Pan, but that went to Jessica. Instead, Alex got the best part in the entire play. That of the incomparable Captain Hook. Thomas Warren got the part of Mr Smee. Once again, mom and I were so proud of all of you. You should have seen the look on Papa's face when Izzy and Mackenzie walked across the stage. Hey, and everyone else was laughing and smiling. Jake did a great job as the only boy Indian. And I personally believe that Alex stole the show as Captain Hook. Another great play, another great performance by all three of you guys.I love you guys,
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