Monday, December 19, 2016

Madrigal 2016

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This post is going to appear out of order because I forgot to publish it a week or so ago, oops!
Anywho, it's time again for Madrigal and Alex is once again going to be in it. Last year was not only Alex's first time in Madrigal but Mom and my first time going to it. I have to say it was absolutely outstanding. The singing, the music, the acting and Alex's accent at our table with his buddy Arjan was pretty spot-on too.

This year Alex was a table host and the three girls that were the table servers or Grace, Sage, and Soha. Two of the three of those Alex was very excited about the third... Not so much. Anyway, prior to the event we had a pre party at our house  with the family and our friends. Like last year Tia Donna and Uncle PP bought a patronship so they got to choose their table and get tickets for the entire table before they went on sale to the public. So we had the whole family there including Jula and Russell Doc & Yaya, and Liz and Barker even joined us. Michah stayed at our house with Jake and Iz. Yes, we left Jake in charge.
When we got to the Madrigal, Mom and I decided we would be announced as Lord and Lady of Manshire. How awesome is that?! (Mom came up with it) As it turned out, we were just announced as "Pruett Family" Bah. Not to let that deter us from a good time. We sat down and met our host and servers, and let me tell you. Sage, quite chatty that one. Soon, the play started and the castle was filled with singing.  Once again the performances were outstanding, including Al as one of the Knights of the squareish table and we had a great time. At one point in the dinner, someone spilled soup down Papa's shirt and Alex dropped a cornish game hen in Great Grandma's lap. After the Madrigal, we headed home. All went their separate ways, and we crashed. You did great Alex, as always. Mom and I are very proud of all your hard work and dedication to Madrigal. I can't wait to see what part you get next year and beyond. I love you guys,


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