Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Hey kids ,
Daddy here. Thanksgiving is upon us alteady and this year, we decided to have it at our house. All said and done, we were expecting 17 people!! The events of the long weekend got started on Wednesday. Alex was off all week, but Jake, Izzy, Mom and I had school and work Monday and Tuesday. So, when Wednesday finally got here, we cleaned up the house and got everything set for the big day.
Thursday morning, as per MansClan tradition, we headed out to the Turkey Trot. It's been a few years since we all went, and this year Mom had to bow out in order to get ready for the big day. So the 4 of us went and had a blast.

Remember, Last Trash? Lol . When we got home, we showered and got dressed up and began welcoming our guests. Grammie and Papa were the first to show and Papa brought this Jalapeño beer that was awesome! We had so much food prior to actually eating, I was afraid I'd be full when it was time to eat! I had a very nice visit with Russell and his sister, Andrea. As the night went on, we finally ate, had a nice prayer, and eventually everyone started leaving. Izzy and Violet went to watch TV.
After everyone left, we crashed, having successfully completed our first major holiday gathering at our own house! I love you guys,


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