Monday, December 12, 2016

Weekend recap

Hey kids ,
Daddy here. Friday night, Jake finally got to spend the night at Rudy's house. So, Mom and is he went to bed and cuddled while Alex and I stayed up and watched some TV.

Saturday morning, Mom wakes me up and tells me that the toilet is backed up. "Which one?" I asked. "All of them." she said. Great. It had to be a problem with our septic system. Long story short, I had to locate the overflow valve in our septic tank and open it to see if it was clogged. It was.

It was totally full of water and poop and TP. I didn't know how bad the clog was, so I rolled up my sleeve and stuck my arm down that pipe, while Mom screamed. I'll tell you guys something, when you've been elbow deep in poop and disgusting grossness, you realize, sometimes you've got to do some pretty awful things but it all washes off in the end. While I was trying to get to the bottom of the toilet clogging issue, it came time for Mom and Iz to go to the ballet recital.

 I called the guy at Big Valley septic and he was near the area so he decided to come by and take a look at it. He helped me get it unclogged and everything started flowing normal. He noticed my Muse Trucking sweatshirt and asked me if I knew Frank. I told him, "Yes I record with him at the radio station and he's a heck of a nice guy." He smiled and said, "He's my brother-in-law!" I asked him how much I owed him for his trouble and he said nothing. So I'm not sure if that sweatshirt got me out of it or he's just a heck of a nice guy but I do know the next time we have septic trouble I'll be calling that guy. I took a shower and washed my hands 17 times and made my way to the ballet recital 45 minutes late. I didn't miss Izzy's part, thank goodness. But, at intermission Jake called me and told me he and Rudy needed a ride out to Igo to the basketball game so I had to leave before her part. So, I take Jake and Rudy out to Igo for the basketball game while Mom, after watching Izzy's ballet recital with Grandma headed home to get Alex to take him to the final night of Madrigal. After the basketball tournament, which the boys won by the way, they hoisted the tournament trophy, took a couple pictures and we headed home. When we got home, I dropped off Jake and headed out to the Reagans for their Christmas party. Mom and Iz went back for Izzy's 2nd show of the ballet recital, and Jake got to stay home and play Destiny.  The Reagans, the Larson's and us had a great visit, as always.

At one point Mack asked me when Mom and Izzy would be there and I took a guess and set the timer on my phone. When Mom arrived and was still saying her Hello's, my timer went off, pretty good guess, old man.  Alex ended up getting a ride to the cast party and home from Mr. Lawrence. He got home about half past midnight. I had waited up for him, and as soon as I saw that he was home safe, went straight to bed.
Sunday morning, we went to church like we always do and when we got home, Alex and I got up on the roof and clean the gutters out. Not quite as nasty as sticking my arm down a poop tube, but still pretty nasty. As much as I'd love to say every weekend we get to kick back and relax that is simply not reality. We have chores to do. The chores are done now and the house is in good shape. One more week of school for you guys and then it's two weeks off for Christmas. I love you guys,


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