Friday, July 17, 2015

Rogue river

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Today, Al left  for the Rogue River with the Boy Scouts.

He'll be gone until next Sunday July 26. On this trip, he should complete his 50 miler badge. We will miss you when you're gone, Al, but we hope you have a great, awesome time. I'm so proud of all the hard work you put into your scout work, Al. I can't wait to hear about this trip when you get back. I love you guys,


Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here.  The craziness started on Friday which was houseboat weekend for the radio station. I decided this year to not go, which turned out to be an excellent decision because when I got home Mom told me there was a DC Comics event at Barnes and Noble. The boys and I played a trivia contest that was very hard. What is the name of Aquaman's sidekick octopus? Who knows that? Also, the answer is Topo. Anyway, since there were not too many people playing Alex and I tied for first place and got a Batman toy. Izzy and Serena Palmer got their faces painted and we all had fun.

Saturday, we headed down to the Clickners in Chico. Mom had a lunch date with Sarah, so you guys and I went to the graduate for lunch. Alex and I got Philly cheese steak sandwiches, Jake got a hot pastrami sandwich and Iz got chicken nuggets. While we waited for our food we played pool and air hockey. Lunch was awesome!

 After picking up Mom, Doc, Yaya, Greg, Brenda and I all went out to dinner at the Sierra Nevada brewery. Before our table was ready, we did a little shopping. I got a new hat at a slap koozie. Dinner was spectacular! We had appetizers and some really good beers. It was a great night out for the adults. I sure wish Greg and Brenda lived around here so we could see them more often, but I'm glad to see them when we can. We headed back to Doc and Yaya's and played a new game called logo beer or logo master or something. We ended up staying later than expected, as per usual but we only have an hour to drive home so we headed home everybody went to bed.

Sunday morning, we all got up and went to 9am Mass since daddy had to read. After church, we headed home and I put some stuff in a bag and headed back to Chico for a quick Man Days experience with Doc and Greg. We went to Wing Stop, we played Final Fantasy and had a great time Saturday. Sunday we headed to the river. When I say "the river" there's only one place I'm referring to. You guys know by now, where the river is. I haven't made that hike in a few years and it was pretty brutal, but totally worth it. Hiking down there with those two guys at my side and swimming in that water totally reminded me of what it was like to be a kid again. We jumped off some cliffs, we stood behind the waterfall, and had a great day as teenagers even though we're in our 40's. We headed back to Chico and went to Burger hut for lunch. Then, back to Doc's to pack up our stuff and head home. Doc and I said our goodbyes to Greg and he, Brenda and Jordan headed out to fly out back to Virginia Tuesday morning. After Greg left, I packed up my stuff and headed home it was a long, totally awesome weekend. I can't wait for our next adventure. I love you guys,

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

4th of July weekend

Hey kids,
Daddy here. 239 years ago America declared itself an independent country from Britain. Today, we commemorate that momentous occasion by eating hot dogs and watching fireworks. Our founding fathers wanted a better life for future generations. It's important to remember all that they have given and all our military men and women have given over the years to build this great nation for us. So, in traditional Mansfield style, we headed to Dan and Janice's house in Oroville for our celebration of the 4th of July with the Clickners in the Orricks. This year, there would be a burger making competition. As a contestant, mom wanted to brush up on her skills so she made us a test burger on Friday night. It was out of this world fantastic. On Saturday, we had to pick up a few quick things before we left and Izzy and I went to the store.

As much as I love spending time with you guys sometimes it sure is nice to have alone time with one of you. I love it when we get to go places together Izzy. I love spending time with, just you and I. So we loaded up Moya and headed down the road to Oroville. All in all, we had a great time. There was the incident where Nathan was spitting at Alex in the pool. Alex asked him to stop. He did not. So, Alex put him in a headlock, and dunked his head under water a few times to teach him a lesson. At which point, Nathan freaked out and threw a giant hissy fit like a little girl. That kid has got to learn to toughen up. Mom and I thought it was hilarious. For the burger judging contest, the judges were Doc, Dan, and Alex. When all was said and done, Mom decimated the competition! Brenda came in second and Nathan 3rd. I had a hunch that Mom would win. We had some burgers, we flew some sparklers and visited with our friends. It was a great time. Although, Jake does owe me a game of pool. As per standard, we ended up staying longer than expected and didn't get home till after 1 o'clock in the morning. Alex and Jacob had to alter serve on Sunday at 9 a.m. As you can imagine, we were all pretty tired. Nonetheless, we still made it to Mass on time and you guys did a great job serving. After Mass we came home, and had a nice relaxing easy Sunday. There's something about a nice long three day weekend that doesn't make the sting of going back to work on Monday nearly as bad. I look forward to our next adventure. I love you guys, daddy

Monday, July 6, 2015

Coast Trip

Hey kids,
Daddy here. This is what our forecast looks like for the week.


Having seen that, Mom decided to take you guys to the coast for a few days with the Clickners and the Orricks. On Tuesday, when I got off of work, I got an invitation to go to the Redding Colt 45 game with Kristen, Cory, Mackenzie and Andrew. It was hot as hell but I decided a hot night out at the baseball park is still a pretty darn good night. 

We said we weren't going to stay for the whole game as it was hot and the kids were a little rowdy. Spoiler alert: We stayed for the whole baseball game. The Colt 45's managed to win the game and at one point got back to back homeruns! I had a great time even in the hot weather. I'm glad to have great friends like the Reagans. Wednesday, after work, I went to Walmart to pick up Alex's money and bought a steak while I was there. I had a nice, quiet evening of playing Batman. I do love the quiet but after a day or two I actually miss the chaos. I look forward to seeing you guys when you get home tomorrow. I love you guys,

Weekend Recap

Hey kids,
Daddy here. Summer vacation is now is full swing and the late nights, video games and sleepovers are in effect. Thursday night, Izzy spent the night with the Warrens. Friday night, Jake spent the night at Sage's house while Alex and I watched Arrow. On Saturday, Mom and I got up and got to work on our construction project, a stand up cooler. I know I've mentioned it before, but I sure do love spending time with Mom building stuff and just generally being together. Later in the day we had a ton of errands to run. We had to take Rudy to get a haircut and a bath, we had lunch at Shasta burger, we had to pick up Thomas and a gift card for Tyler before his birthday party. We did manage to get it all done and even got Thomas and Al to Tyler's birthday party on time. Then, Mom Jake Iz and I headed to Waterworks park with the Warrens. We rode some slides, Jake got an ice cream cone the size of his head, and we had a great time.

On Sunday, we had a very special Mass at church. One of our seminarians from a few years ago had become ordained and delivered his first Mass at Saint Joseph. Also, Alex Estrella was back as a Deacon. I always think it's very neat when we see a young priest like Father Michael. It makes me very excited for the future of the priesthood to see a young guy so excited about the faith. After Mass, we headed across the street for a little reception where everyone could talk to father Michael and get a nice family blessing. When it was our turn, Father Michael talked to us for a few minutes and then said to gather around for a blessing. After a blessing as we started to walk away he touched Jake on the shoulder and said "Stay out of trouble." Jake looked at me, shocked and said, "Dad, how did he know?" I said, "He's closer to God, he just knows". Lol. We headed back home and after an exhausting few days had a nice relaxing easy lazy Sunday. Love, love, love the lazy Sunday. It really does wonders to charge my battery and get me ready for the next week of work. I love you guys and I love spending time with you,


Daddy's Day

Hey kids,
Daddy here. It's Father's Day again. I'm hoping not to have a recap of the amputation of finger last year. Grammie and Papa invited us out to the houseboat so Saturday morning we got up, got all of our stuff together, and headed out to the lake. I'm so very glad that we live in an area that has a lake and that Grammie and Papa have a houseboat. It was a whole weekend of kicking back, relaxing, and having fun. I'm pleased to announce that my losing streak at bolo is over as I won all the games I played this weekend!!

Sunday was Father's Day and Papa, Uncle Seth, Uncle J, and I and all of our kids celebrated at the lake. It was a beautiful day and we had a great time. So often, we're running around and so busy with our time that a nice lazy weekend out on the lake is the perfect cure. I love swimming with you guys, playing bolo, sitting by the fire, and just talking. We're very lucky to have such a wonderful opportunity to be together with our family. Mama made Papa and I a beer cake. Which sounds like a cake made out of beer but it isn't it's just three levels of Bud Light cans, lol. I got a gift card fom Mom and I'm going to use it to get a Hulk t-shirt and a Ravager t-shirt! The reason I get to celebrate Father's Day it's because of you guys. I love you guys,